Goran Petercol
Side Wind 22 Nov. 2007 - 12 Jan. 2008 Installation view Goran Petercol (1949, lives and works in Zagreb, Croatia) is one of the most important artists from former Yugoslavia. His work comprises an extensive range of media (drawing, sculpture, light installations) and he has distinguished himself ever since he began his career, in the mid-Seventies, for his conceptual consistency and rigor. Petercol works with different qualities of light according to the different objects and spaces where he exhibits his work. He creates multi-facetted installations where the tangible nature of the involved object and the abstract qualities of the light challenge the spectator's logic of the gaze. The work is neither the image nor the object, but the visualisation of their reciprocal relationship. Petercol's work derives from the encounter between the case (an ink stain; a broken plate; the exhibition site, with its specific physical conformation) and a rule that, once established, the artist follows logically up to the point in which the very structure of the work prevents him from continuing. The content of the work coincides with its form; its understanding with the understanding of the process that generated it. As an example: the series of drawings in which the attempt of the artist to trace the shadow projected on the paper by his pencil alludes to the impossibility of holding the time. Hole, 2007 glass, light, hole ø 19 cm Mould Night Table, 2007 Installation view Moria Chair, 2007 acrylic on chair 40 x 40 x 94 cm Stylization, 1981 Indian Ink on paper 95 x 63 |